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Cucumber prices at origin down for three consecutive campaigns 2019-08-08

The average price at origin of cucumbers has been falling for three consecutive campaigns, with a decrease of 25 percent, from 0.72 Euro in the 2016/2017 campaign to 0.54 Euro in the 2018/2019 season, according to data from the Prices and Markets Observatory of the Government of Andalusia.

By varieties, short (Category 1) cucumbers have been sold in the 2018/2019 campaign at an average price of 0.56 Euro per kilo, identical price to the achieved two campaigns earlier.

The average price that the grower has received for Almeria-type cucumbers (Cat. 1) has been 0.52 Euro/kilo, 27.78 percent less than in the 2016/2017 campaign, when the average price was 0.72 € / kg.

The average price that growers have charged for the French cucumber in the 2018/2019 campaign has been 0.51 Euro per kilo. This has been the only cucumber variety recording a price increase in the last three campaigns, going from 0.46 Euro per kilo in the 2016/2017 campaign to an average of 0.51 Euro per kilo in the 2018/2019 campaign; 10.87 percent more.


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