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EU and Chile sign mutual recognition agreement for organic farming

foodmate 2017-03-15

On Monday, the countries of the European unio approved the signing of a mutual recognition agreement with Chile regarding the regulations for the production and control of organic farming, which ensures that EU and Chilean organic products will be able to enter the each others market without additional controls.

The ministers of Agriculture of the twenty-eight countries comprising the EU have approved the signing of the agreement. The European Parliament must now give its consent so that the Member States can formally adopt the final decision.

The agreement also includes a system for cooperation, the exchange of information, and a dispute settlement mechanism for trade in organic products, stated the EU Council.

The goal of the agreement is to promote the trade in organic products between Chile and the bloc and to contribute to the development of the sector in the EU. Another goal is to improve the protection of ecological brands and strengthen regulatory cooperation between both parties.

The agreement covers organic products, such as unprocessed vegetable products, live animals or raw animal products, including honey, aquaculture products and seaweed; processed agricultural products for food, including wine, processed agricultural feed products, vegetative propagation material and seeds for cultivation.

The agreement will enter into force three months after Chile and the EU notify the completion of all necessary internal procedures.


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