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FoodDrinkEurope goes carbon neutral, continuing its path to net-zero by 2050

foodingredientsfirst 2021-11-12

As global leaders continue to negotiate a low carbon future at COP26, FoodDrinkEurope says its Brussels offices have been awarded carbon neutral status. 

FoodDrinkEurope director-general Mella Frewen says it was the next step in a long line of industry actions to tackle the climate emergency. 


Transformative leadership
“EU ambitions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 will require strong and transformative leadership from all of us. I hope this small action, achieving carbon neutrality at our offices, will encourage others to realize that every one of us can – and should – do our bit.”

“On a larger scale, we are also working to help decarbonize the entire European food and drink industry. In July, we published a report, on behalf of FoodDrinkEurope, which assesses the climate impact of the food and drink manufacturing sector in Europe, and sets out some of the available pathways for decarbonization to net-zero by 2050.” 

Road to carbon-neutral status 
FoodDrinkEurope commissioned a roadmap to assess the climate impact of the European food and drink manufacturing sector. 

Developed by Ricardo Energy & Environment on behalf of FoodDrinkEurope, it assesses the climate impact of the European food and drink manufacturing sector and sets out some of the available pathways for decarbonization to net-zero by 2050. 

The Roadmap highlights the many opportunities available to the sector while also discussing the numerous challenges and barriers that will need to be overcome.

FoodDrinkEurope has worked with carbon reduction experts CO2 Logic to obtain its carbon-neutral status.Frewen says that many food and drink companies have made further ambitious carbon neutral commitments. 

FoodDrinkEurope has worked with carbon reduction experts CO2 Logic to obtain its carbon-neutral status. The official carbon neutral label has been validated by independent certifiers Vinçotte.

“While we know our efforts to decarbonize the FoodDrinkEurope offices are only a dro in the ocean, it is also clear that real impact will come only when all drops merge to form rivers of positive and lasting change,” concludes Frewen. 

Why take action now? 
According to the FoodDrinkEurope report, the EU has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. As part of this target, it aims to achieve a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. To facilitate this, the EU is reviewing its regulations to drive decarbonization, such as the European Green Deal. 

FoodDrinkEurope believes the 2030 target is “challenging” and, with just nine years left to reach the 2030 milestone, there is a need to act sooner rather than later. This is apparent given that some industrial plant energy efficiency retrofits may take three to five years to complete.

The Roadmap has reviewed the range of opportunities that decarbonization can offer the food and drink manufacturing sector. By taking a proactive approach, the sector will stand to benefit from these advantages ahead of time, and in the meanwhile, assist the EU in meeting its ambitious decarbonization targets, the organization affirms. 

Last month, the European Parliament released a report outlining areas for improving Europe’s “Farm to Fork Strategy,” initially proposed by the EU Commission in May 2020. The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and FoodDrinkEurope have since applauded Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for adopting this stance.

Following delays to the publication of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork strategy, FoodDrinkEurope set out five tests that it believes the strategy must pass to deliver sustainable food systems in light of COVID-19.


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